Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

Well, this all seems a little sad really. My last post was in 2010, so this blog really is part time. Actually, it gives part time a bad name. However ...

I've decided to jump on the New Year's bandwagon as a catalyst to push my artwork forward. I am well aware that I will never be even vaguely happy with my artwork unless I'm actually doing it on a daily basis (outside of work art), and hopefully improving in some way by doing so. I'm setting myself the goal of creating a piece of art everyday for the next 365 days, and posting it here. It's a loose brief I know, but gives me the flexibility to create something as simple as a quick sketch, or as involved as a zbrush sculpt. It makes me accountable to, at the very least, myself, and should anyone happen upon this blog and want to comment or follow - the more the merrier.

Here's to creating in 2013!


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